Represents a User in the system.
A notification or warning to inform users about specific events or issues that require attention.
Managing Cuemby Platform from the terminal.
A collection of machines.
Type: Control plane of Runtime nodes.
Control plane (main node): They are machines that run K8S of the master type. Users do not have access to these machines.
Runtime nodes (worker node): It is the place where applications created by users or managed services are run.
Email verification
If you forgot your password, an email will be sent to the email address that is registered with Cuemby Platform to reset the password.
Privacy policy: Legal document indicating how an organization retains, processes or handles user data.
Terms of use: Legal contract between Cuemby (the provider of a service) and the person who wants to use the service.
A push message that is displayed on the platform according to what is configured by the user.
Quick Start
Short instructions and explanations of a particular topic.
Report a Bug
Detailed reporting of an error found in the platform trough tittle, description and image.
Profile Information
User’s personal information and preference settings within Cuemby Platform.
Person or group of people focused on one or more objectives.
Place to allow the use of all the platform (e.j. Set of activities to deploy an application), which may contain a group of people focused on each Project.
Used to authenticate within the application to make requests.
Expiration date
Duration that can be modified.
Users can select to activate or deactivate the token for more security
A User belongs to an Organization and they can realize actions according to their Role and Permissions.
Cancel invitation
It allows to cancel an invitation if the user is new in Cuemby Platform and they have not logged in to the platform.
Invitation expired
Invitation to a User expires if they do not Log In to Cuemby Platform to collaborate in an Organization in 30 days.
Re-invite User
When a new User exceeds the time (72 hours) to Log In to Cuemby Platform to collaborate in the Organization, you have to re-invite the User again.
A User belongs to an Organization and they can realize actions according to their Role and Permissions.
Reassign User to another Role
Assign another Role to a user when you want to delete the Role that they are currently assigned or change the user Role.
There are Roles and Permissions Custom or predefined (owner, admin, developer and stakeholder) when an Organization is created.
List of Roles that grant access to a User to perform certain actions on the platform within an Organization.
Permission Includes: Organization, Projects, Users, Roles, API Keys, Domains, Payment, Integrations, Templates, Environments, Variables and Secrets, Runtimes, Metrics, Logs.
Domain configuration to subsequently deploy a Runtime with the configured Domain.
A historical platform usage data of an Organization displayed per month.
Payment Method
A method to pay for the platform usage of the organization. Users can add multiple payment methods. Currently, credit cards are the acceptable payment method on the platform.
Currently, an Integration is to establish a connection between Cuemby Platform and a Git provider for deployment automation.
Git Provider
A Git provider that Cuemby Platform currently supports (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket).
Personal access token
Permissions to access the repository.
Git repository where the source code of the application is stored and managed.
A Personal or organization repository. If nothing is specified, Cuemby Platform creates a personal workspace by default.
Registry Provider
Technology that allows you to create and use containers (Docker) that stores, manages and distributes application images. Its architecture is designed to ensure availability by providing a centralized resource for container image discovery, distribution, and deployment.
Cloud Provider
Provider that offers scalable computing resources that can be accessed on demand over a network (AWS, GCP and Azure).
Number of machines that will be created in the selected Cloud provider.
Kubernetes Connector
Integration of configuration files that allows connecting the Kubernetes architectures where the applications will be deployed.
A template where you will select the integration created and the repository that will be used to create a Runtime. This template also defines how the application should run, including environment variables, resource requirements, number of replicas, etc.
Cuemby Platform asks if the user has an application containerized (A containerized app is a software packaged with everything it needs to run, ensuring it works the same in all environments) to add the Dockerfile path or select the Source Code Language.
Disabled integration
When the User revokes in the Git provider, if the user wants to use this integration, they will need to reactivate it.
Dockerfile path
A text document containing all the commands to build a Docker image.
It is a Variable property that indicates if the data is sensitive. In Cuemby Platform, users can choose sensitive Variables to be encrypted.
Environment Variables
Template configuration variables that can be accessed by the application during Runtime. They consist of a key and a value. In Cuemby Platform, users can choose to encrypt sensitive environment variables.
The name of a Variable.
Instance type
Capacity of resources assigned to the execution of an application where you have a CPU and RAM allocation.
PORT through which the application is going to be exposed.
The value of a Variable.
Use your own Registry (Docker) or Cuemby Platform integration.
Number of replicas to run when the application is running below the CPU and the Memory rules and does not need to scale.
Git repository where the source code of the application is stored and managed.
Source Code Language
The programming language in which your application is built.
Type of connection that an application has. There are two types of traffic that users can specify using Cuemby Platform. Internal traffic is a traffic from the namespace and allows no access to and from the outside. External traffic allows ingress and egress.
A space to deploy applications and it is associated with a Project.
Variables and Secrets
Variables and Secrets of the Environment/s that the Runtime will have during. They consist of the selected environment/s, a key and a value and encryption if necessary for confidentiality.
Process of deploying an environment where a Template is designed to run within.
Branch or Tags
A repository Branch or Tags used to download the code to create the Runtime.
Custom Domain
Domain configuration to subsequently deploy a Runtime with the configured Domain.
Custom Pipeline
Additional tasks in the pipeline execution for Runtime deployment.
Before task: Tasks to be executed prior to the default tasks for Runtime deployment.
After task: Tasks to be executed after the default tasks for Runtime deployment are finished.
Disable Integration
(in create Runtime) When a user revokes the permissions in the Git provider, the main Runtime screen indicates the status, so the user can't use that application until reactivate Git provider permissions.
Healthy application
Status of the running service and how it is receiving requests. Users need to select from HTTP, gRPC, TCP and Command.
Pause/Restart a deployment for a specific time.
Connection and automated sequence of actions and processes to build, test and deploy an application. In Cuemby Platform, users are able to add custom tasks to Pipelines while creating a Runtime.
Task: Collection of steps with the purpose of creating the resources for the execution of the deployments.
Step: Steps that are followed to complete a task (eg. Docker Runtime that runs a command).
The link to access the application.
Rebuild a Runtime using the same configurations that users have created. It is used when some changes were made to the Git repository, and you want to incorporate those new changes to the Runtime or when you edit some details of the Runtime that is already running.
Rollback up to 10 previous builds.
The application status.
Collection of data on the historical consumption of application resources of a Runtime or Environment over a specific period of time.
Processing capacity, measured in Milicores.
Disk usage
Persistent storage space allocated to an application.
The internal and external traffic of the Runtime that are tabulated in specific time intervals, measure in Megabytes.
Identification of resource use of each Environment.
RAM Memory
Memory capacity, measured in Megabits.
A combination of CPU and RAM, which will be assigned to a Runtime.
They are the console outputs of the Runtime that are running inside a Runtime. Logs are records that provide a chronological account of activities such as action and error messages from applications deployed by Runtime.