How to Manage your Subscription Plans

Cuemby Cloud Platform lets you select how you want to use the platform for your Application, and we call it a “Subscription.” For more information about subscriptions, please refer to the Documentation. To add a new subscription, you need to set up an organization and a project. Please refer to other tutorials on How to set up an Organization and How to create a Project.


Go to the menu, open “Billing” and select the “Subscriptions" tab

You can see the plans that you are currently subscribing to for the project.  If you set up BYO or PAYGO, you can update the subscription plan to FLEX. But if you set up Flex, you need delete the deployments that is related with the subscription type and then change the subscription.

Ej. subscription Flex: a runtime with AWS (BYO) and also another runtime with CCP (PAYGO). If you want to switch just to PAYGO, you need to delete the runtime that you have with BYO to be able to switch the subscription to PAYGO only.

In this page, you can also set a budget for each subscription plan. We are currently working on the calculator right now to help you set your monthly budget.

If you want to disable the Subscription, please be mindful that by unsubscribing to the platform’s usage options, your Runtime will be paused.

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