Set up an Application

Select one if you have already created an Application in Cuemby Cloud Platform or click on “Create” to create a new Application.


Name your Application

Name the Application you are going to create.

You can use lowercase, numbers and dash, but spaces and special symbols are not allowed.


Select or Create a Git Provider

Then, select a Git code repository provider if you already integrated with one or set up a new Integration. The Platform currently offers integration with GitHub.

If you have not integrated your repository with the platform and are creating a new one, name the Integration you are going to create.

You can use lowercase, numbers and dash, but spaces and special symbols are not allowed.

Then, choose a Git provider that you are going to integrate with.

You might need to go through an extra step to authorize the platform to integrate with GitHub if you didn't sign up with the repository service provider.


Select a Workspace

Once you are integrated with the Git provider, a modal will appear, and you need to select a Workspace. Your personal workspace is selected by default.

You can also choose from the dropdown menu, which is the list of Workspaces that you belong to.


Select an Instance Type

You can select from Extra Small, Small, Medium. Large or Extra Large. They are the types of instances where your Application will be running. The instance type depends on the size of your Application and how much resource that the Application consumes. The types are:

Extra small

CPU 100m, RAM 128 Mi


CPU 200m, RAM 256Mi


CPU 600m, RAM 384Mi


CPU 300m, RAM 768Mi

Extra Large

CPU 1000m, RAM 1024Mi


Choose the Traffic Type of the Application

You can select from Extra Small, Small, Medium. Large or Extra Large. They are the types of instances where your Application will be running. The instance type depends on the size of your Application and how much resource that the Application consumes. The types are:

Extra small

CPU 100m, RAM 128 Mi


CPU 200m, RAM 256Mi


CPU 600m, RAM 384Mi


CPU 300m, RAM 768Mi

Extra Large

CPU 1000m, RAM 1024Mi

If your Application is open to the public and interacts with Traffic that is outside your Project, please select External. If your Application is to service other Applications in the same Project internally, you can select Internal. It is important to note that when you create a Runtime, the platform automatically generates a CloudFlare Origin Certificate Authority (Origin CA).

By selecting the option “External,” Cuemby Cloud Platform provides more robust security to your infrastructure. Ingress certificates are automatically renewed, eliminating the need for manual updates and the worry of missing expiration.

By selecting the option “Internal,” Cuemby Cloud Platform generates an endpoint to consume at the cluster level, which is identified through a DNS.  


Add Environment Variables

If you have sensitive information, you are able to Encrypt the information by clicking on the Encrypt lock icon. You can add as many Environment Variables as you would like by clicking on the “+” icon.


Add Scaling Strategy

The fields in the section are pre-filled. If you are not sure, you can use the pre-defined values. However, if you are planning on running a robust Application, you may need to make changes.

Cool down period is how many seconds you want to wait before scaling down when you no longer need replicas. The default is 30 seconds.

Polling Interval is how often the platform should be checking if the application is complied with the scaling strategy. The default is 30 seconds.

Minimum Replica is the minimum number of replicas you want to run when your application does not need to scale. The default is 1.

Maximum Replica is the maximum number of replicas you want to run when your application needs to scale. The default is 2.

First step all set! Click on the "Next" button to continue setting your first Application.

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